Our board members are the heart of our chapter; here's a current listing. If you are interested in volunteering with us -- and becoming part of the board yourself -- just click "Chapter Contact" above to get in touch.

Ross Wagner, Chairman, Treasurer

Steve Wilson, Secretary

Dorothy Host, Vice Chair

Vicki Wagner, Board Member

Dorothy Host, Board Member

Kristi Sandberg, Board Member

Bob Lake, Board Member

Meredith Sander, Board Member

Our Scholarships

On May 1st, 2024, the Aitkin High School Senior Class Reception was held in the Aitkin High School Auditorium.  The Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars, Board of Directors awarded scholarships to 55 AHS seniors worth $79,995 and ten $1,500 Gobbler Renewable Scholarships to AHS graduates still pursuing a post-secondary education.  Students receiving scholarships awarded through Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars must meet certain GPA and attendance requirements before they can activate their scholarships.  They have Four years to activate their scholarship.  Other organizations and colleges themselves award scholarships on Awards night as well as Aitkin Dollars for Scholars.  Below is a current list of our Scholarships.

Scholarships can come with specific criteria to be awarded, such as entering a Vocational/Technical School, entering a certain field of study or an employee's child.  Scholarship applications ask for detailed information on the students' grades, activities, special circumstances a peer review and are given a score.  Awards of individual scholarships are matched to the scholarships criteria as close as possible. 

MEMORIALS, individuals may contribute directly to these scholarships, donations extend the funds and allow them to be awarded to more students.

  • Paul Emch Musical Memorial Scholarship
  • Evan Raushel Memorial Scholarship
  • Brian Kokesh Veterans Memorial Scholarship
  • Noel "Buzz" Jones Memorial Scholarship
  • Edwin and Rosa Tyren Teaching Memorial Scholarship
  • Greg Cooper Law Enforcement Memorial Scholarship
  • H. Eugene Menzell Memorial Scholarship
  • Jessica Van Horn Memorial Scholarship
  • John and Dorothy Galarneault Memorial Scholarship
  • Felix "Kap" and Hazel Kaplan Memorial Scholarship
  • Kevin "Pork" Nentl Memorial Scholarship
  • Elmer and Alpha Dummers Memorial Scholarship
  • Stanley and Lou Ella Doten Memorial Scholarship
  • Steve Bare Aitkin Dollars for Scholars Memorial Scholarship
  • Paulson Musical Scholarship
  • Klingelhofer Wier Educational Scholarship
  • Beverly Paulson Memorial
  • Justin "Hooch" Turner Memorial

Individually Sponsored, sponsored by individuals on behalf of a cause or desire to help AHS students.  Donations are also accepted for these scholarships.

  • John and Diane Newstrom Scholarship
  • Dagan Family Scholarship
  • Gerald and Gloria Olsen Scholarship
  • Humphry/Meyers Scholarship
  • Hommes Indian Pines Farm Scholarship
  • Aitkin County Jack A Lope Hunters Scholarship
  • Aitkin Gobbler Grappler Sports Scholarship

Civic, Community Organizations, donations are accepted for these scholarships.

  • Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars
  • Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars APEX Scholarships
  • Aitkin Gobbler Renewable Scholarship, for AHS grads pursuing their post-education
  • Aitkin Fire Department Scholarship
  • Aitkin Lions Club Scholarship
  • Aitkin Moose Lodge Scholarship
  • Aitkin Women of the Moose Scholarship
  • Aitkin ODD Fellows Scholarship
  • Aitkin Rebekah Lodge 151 Scholarship
  • Mason's Mystic Lodge 213 Scholarship
  • Aitkin American Legion Post 86 Scholarship
  • Aitkin American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship
  • Aitkin Friends of the Library Scholarship
  • Mille Lacs Trails Snowmobile and ATV Club Scholarship

Business, Corporate Sponsors, donations are accepted for these scholarships.

  • American Peat Technology Scholarship, 2 years
  • Bremer Bank Scholarship
  • Federated Cooperative Scholarship
  • Kenneth L. Kellar Foundation Scholarship
  • Magnum Machining Scholarship
  • Neighborhood National Bank Scholarship
  • Paulbeck's County Market Scholarship
  • Security State Bank of Aitkin Scholarship
  • Riverwood Healthcare Center/Riverwood Auxiliary Scholarship